We spoke about the layers of Italy and each student layered a piece using textural fabrics and ribbons. Between all of us we had enough of a selection of fabrics for each piece. We then spoke about the wonderful images that surrounded us and each student began to draw the images that they wanted to incorporate on their piece. Here are a few of the backgrounds in progress.

We finished early in the afternoon to go to our cooking class with Simone.

She chose two starters - Pancetta Roll with goat cheese, walnuts and pears and Rotolini di zucchini e ricotta. For the main course - Pamigiana di Melanzane and Panna Cotta for dessert. We all got stuck in cooking all different parts of the meal. We made fresh pureed tomatoes for the sauce for the Parmigiana.

Kathy made the Panna Cotta while others cut and cooked the strawberries for the topping.

A few of us cut and fried the eggplant for the Parmigiana.

Mom zested the lemon for the Panna Cotta.

Janet started one of the starters crushing the walnuts nuts and mixing with the goat cheese.

All rolled the Zucchini rolls.

Then we all sat down to a wonderful meal with wine and good company.
I really enjoyed the evening with everyone.