
Monday, July 12, 2010

Quilters Affair - Greta Needle Roll and Robin Run the Hedge Class

I am sitting in Charlotte, NC trying to get home to my own bed. I left Sisters, Oregon yesterday morning (it is now Monday night at 7pm) and have been diverted many times due to weather and engine trouble. At times I have wondered whether I will be home and packed in time to leave for Alaska on Wednesday morning at 6am. Please cross your fingers I get home tonight! I am using my time wisely and have uploaded all my pictures to my blog from my wonderful week in Sisters, OR. I plan to do a few posts to cover the week.
I have just spent a wonderful week in Sisters, OR teaching at Quilters Affair. I taught 5 days of classes. The first one was my Greta Needle Roll. We worked with textural fabrics, ribbons, beads, stitches and made roving balls by hand.
Each student used unique fabrics and ribbons to make their pieces very personal.
I also taught a three day class of Robin Run the Hedge. I loved this class as all the students had time to cut out and lay out most of their design. We then spent the last day working on stitches that they could incorporate on their applique.
They got a really good start and I can't wait to see the finished pieces.
I finished the week with a full day of making leaves using great embellishment techniques.
It was a fun filled week with enthusiastic students that keep me hopping.
Keep creating


  1. I sure hope things improve and you can make it home in time.


  2. Hang in there, how great to go to Alaska, enjoy the beautiful state.. Be safe....Lovely works..

  3. I just want to say, Thank you for the wonderful class.... Just what the doctor ordered!!! Great therapy for the soul. Have a super fabulous trip to Alaska (I used to live there) and safe travels.

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  5. I'm glad I got to say hi to you at the 35th anniversary party. I forgot to say that I'm in your BOM club and having a wonderful time! I hope I can get into the retreat that is forming with you and Tonye next year. That would be wonderful! Wishing you safe travels!

  6. I stopped at Raintree Quilts In Juneau last week on the way back to Washington State and they are looking forward to having you there. Wish I could attend your class.

  7. Sue - as always they look amazing, I can see the Africa in your style after visiting a couple of times,..

    I am joining in a session at Amitie and look forward to your teaching... love the pillows that were made in your style that you can see on my blog.

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  9. Hi Sue, Boy.. I wish I could just follow you around the world and stitch !!

    Lori Ann

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