
Monday, July 19, 2010

Quilters Affair Quilt Show, Sisters OR

The quilt show was fabulous as usual. We got up really early to help hang the quilts and get a good look at them before all the streets were filled with people.
The quilts made by the staff at the Stitchin' Post are always hung on the store building many were inspired by classes Jean Wells had taught over the years. This year was the 35th anniversary of the show and there were many celebrations. It is amazing to me that it has been going so long and so successfully. Well done Jean and Valori!
As usual a little shopping was done by all. Cathy, Wendy and Susan had fun buying baskets to hold all of their sewing and knitting supplies.
Here are a few of the teachers quilts.
Judith Baker Montano
Sue Nickels Jeannette DeNicolis Meyers
Barbara Shapel Katie Pasquini Masopust
Denyse Schmidt
Denyse Schmidt
Hilde Morin Tonye Belinda Phillips Tonye Belinda Phillips
These quilts were great. I would love to take some classes from many of these instructors.
Take care


  1. I am sighing right now, tied to my desk and about to do the bookkeeping. I haven't been to Sisters for the show now for - it's probably been eight years. Maybe more. Seeing the firefighters hanging the stuff on the side of the store - knowing how cold it is in the morning when you get your bag and assignment. I know where the best public bathroom is, and where to eat breakfast, and where to park so you can get out of town in spite of the several mile jam up of cars.

    One of the things I like to do best is shoot quilts from inside the covered walk so that the sun comes through them, and it's like a sort of hall walled with fabric stained glass windows. I'm thinking of The Cabin, and the huge chair, and Huckleberry's and the little store - down that alley about half way down, tucked way back behind - where I found the little fox sweater I finally gave my son for his own first son - just a year ago.

    I remember aching feet and almost worn-out wonder, and the impossible jam of quilters in The Post, and next door (where I always spent way too much money). And the smell of the town. And the garden tours. And the berries.

    Thanks for bringing those memories back. I wonder if I'll ever get to go again. I guess that's why I'm sighing.

  2. Wow! What a smorgasbord of quilts, inspiration and talent. You people at Sisters are very fortunate to have such celebration of the art of quilting. Would love to go there one day. Were any of yours there Sue? Ann:)

  3. I love your blog ¡¡¡¡ kisses from Spain ¡¡¡ victoria

  4. Someday, I get there! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow for all the quilts, thanks for sharing

  6. Gorgeous... ces patchs sont vraiment magnifiques...
