My folk-art imagery reflects my multi-cultural background and my fascination with folkart from around the world. Inspiration comes from memories collected during my African childhood with its animals and grasslands, a sojourn in the green South of England and time spent in Connecticut, Tennessee, Utah and Ohio.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Happy 4th of July - Wonderful Student Work

Primitives of the Midwest - Day 3

Here is Judi Riley's version of my Saffron Needle Roll. http://suespargo.com/smallgifts.html
Prmitives of the Midwest - Day 2
Wednesday night was the PJ party at Quilters Station with demos from the teachers. Here is the Ohio clan who won the 'best PJ' contest. I am so proud to be an Ohioan!!!
Lynda Hall was entertaining and as you can see fun was had by all. Rita and he staff at Quilters Station go all out to make this event so memorable. I love to be able to visit with all the teachers and get to know them personally. I have spent most of the week with Renee Plains and Jo Morton they have been great company.

My second class was my little quilt Red Clover. We worked with hand dyed wool, silk and velvet along with ribbons and embellishments. It is always fun to see the same blocks made up in different colors.

I feel very privileged as Renee Plains had a day off and decided to take my class. I love the softer shades of her block above.

As you can see we embellished with different fibers. I always say you do not need much of each fiber just a great selection. I just love to see how each student interprets the images.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Primitives of the Midwest - Opening Night and Day One

I will be here all week. I am so happy we are teaching indoors as it is 100 degrees with incredible humidity! My fist class was from my Urban Sacs book, the Vintage Duffel. We worked on applique, logcabin pockets and assembly.

It was wonderful to see the students using different embellishments, ribbons and textural fabrics.
The other treat was that Barb Thatcher who took my Folklore quilt last year returned with a complete project that she had done some great embellishment on.
I just love seeing how my patterns are interpreted and how each individual makes it there own.
As you know I am very partial to Japanese fabrics. I love the way she fussy cut the bird fabric for her corner blocks.
Friday, June 12, 2009
One More Celebration - Graduation
I find it hard to believe that my baby has graduated from High School. It only seems like a few years ago that she was starting Kindergarten.
It was fabulous to have all four children home for 10 days. It has been a couple of years since we were all together. It was great to see them all grown up and such good friends.
Aimee is planning to go to college and do physical therapy. I wish her lots of luck!

Aimee's Graduation was followed by celebrating with family and friends.
My Monday morning Folklore group has been very busy working on applique and embellishments. These two pieces are fabulous and Carol and Jane went all out trying all sorts of different stitches as well as fibres. I can't wait to see them quilted!
Take care and Creative Stitching Sue
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Catching up is hard to do

The mailman has delivered some great goodies this week, a nice change of pace from the usual bolts of wool and first up is Jennys block of the month that Sue and I signed up for while we were in Melbourne. Whats one more project, right Sue? It really is a lovely block of the month and Sue and I both loved it. Her choice of both fabrics and design is delightful.

Next came this from Sarah. Thank you so much, I will treasure it. Sarah's quilt Charlotte Sometimes struck a nerve with me. That beautiful black background with those eye popping colors. Perhaps its the old photographer in me but I do think its a beauty. Another project to add to the list! It is just as well I managed to finish this quilt top that was started in Brandon and Kaffe's workshop last year in Sisters. Down to the back and off she goes. Thanks Brandon for nudging me down a road less traveled. I love it.

And speaking of roads not traveled I recently created this much belated birthday gift to a dear friend who has traveled with me before. Made using http://www.lulu.com
A view of the cover and a couple of the inside spreads.

And of course I cant forget the main attraction, the pots have been busy, wool for kits and plaid bundles and luxurious velvets. Those doing the block of the month will get to enjoy those scrumptious greens.
Now that a few things have been accomplished it is time to break out the kayaks for the first time this season and enjoy a day on the water. I was going to say rest and relaxation but who am I kidding, its a 7 mile paddle first time out. It should be interesting and I cant wait!

Thinking of you all.
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