I collaborate with my sister Wendy on many aspects of my business so I am very excited that she is going to blog alongside me. We have endless creative ideas and this will be a great way to let you see what we are up to behind the scenes.

Today we have been working on some photographs for my books to be released at spring market. We will be posting some teasers soon. We were planning on taking a walk through the woods to photograph but the clouds stormed over and kept us inside. There was even a chill in the air and we wished we had finished our latest knitting projects, lovely colorful wraps to keep away the cold. I am feverishly working on my Brandon Mably wrap (right) while Wendy is busy trying to finish her Kaffe Fassett wrap.

We have collected lots of yarn for the Brandon Mably wrap and Wendy has dyed quite a few skeins as well. It has been interesting to play with color, using hand dyed and variegated yarns and playing around with light and dark contrasts.

I go through a similar process when I choose colors for applique often finding that the fabrics I use for images need to be highlighted. I accomplish this in many ways, shadowing with darker colors, couching contrasting fibers and even beading edges of applique.
We are very fortunate to have so many wonderful materials available for embellishment enabling us to make our projects unique. Here is a glimpse of what I am bringing home. Who can resist these!

I also could not help myself when I saw this and of course it had a bird on it.
Sue and Wendy

Looking forward to your new book. That is awesome that you and sister work together.