
Monday, September 5, 2011

Spokane with Family

 I have just returned from spending a week with my family in Spokane. It was great as Jason was visiting as well as he is waiting to start Culinary School in Portland. While visiting he managed to make us another few sets of hand stamped words for the website.

 I took a few pictures to show each stage he goes through to achieve the words we all love. He cuts the strips of copper, hand stamps each letter and drills and files the holes for attachment.
 He then patinas them, buffers them, hand cuts the strips into individual words then hand files each piece so they are nice and smooth.

 Quiet a lot of work for one word! They are unique and I feel anything handmade is worth the wait. I am hoping he can make us a little stash before he returns to school as I know we will not see anymore for a long time.

 Jason treated us to home made pizza as well. He loves to cook and experiment!

 Wendy has been very busy in her studio dyeing new colors for next years Block of the Month. I am really excited as once again it will be very different. Here is a sneak peek of the start of the color palette.

 I have been longing to sew with my sister Wendy. For a long time she has been saving the off cuts and double dye scraps from her dye pots. On Wednesday we snuck into her studio, dumped out all the wool and spent the whole day cutting and sewing all the pieces back together. She had just ordered a new Juki sewing machine which we set up. What an amazing machine, I could not believe how wonderfully it sewed on wool. I will be ordering myself one as soon as I am home for a few days.

 All I can say is I know I will be playing around with this idea a little more.

 My family lives in a more rural area of Spokane. I love the view they have overlooking the valley. They have an amazing vegetable garden as well as perennial gardens which surround the house. It is so peaceful here. I always feel very refreshed when I return home.

 I am now home for a couple of days preparing for Sisters. I am co teaching a Folk-art Retreat this weekend with Tonye Phillips. I am really excited as our styles are very different but complement each other. I know the students will be in for a treat.
Happy Stitching


  1. Sounds like you had a nice visit with family and got to rest a bit.
    I wish one of my kids had learned to cook like that, then maybe I wouldn't always be the one cooking;)


  2. How fabulous getting to spend treasure time with your talented family. Good for the soul huh..
    You new BOM is shaping up pretty well, the colours are simply superb!! I shall definitely have to keep an eye on this.

  3. I wonder if your family doesn't live very close to me in Spokane Valley. Love their gate and love the colors of wool for kits! Wool in lovely colors (bright) seem to be hard to find here in Spokane. I love your style Sue and your blog

  4. Sue, what model Juki did your sister get? I've read some good things about the brand and would welcome any additional input. Thanks!
