
Monday, March 14, 2011

Mountain Stars Guild - Medford OR

I just spent 4 wonderful days in the Medford area in Oregon at Mountain Stars Quilters Guild. I taught two full day classes and gave a lecture at the Saturday luncheon.
The first class was 'The Flower Pot' one of my Altered Texture classes. As usual I was blown away with all the creativity in the room. Each student made creative stems and leaves using ribbons, textural embroidery threads and stitches. We then went on to layer the flowers with textural fabrics and stitches.
There is never enough time in a one day workshop to work through everything. I can only touch on the technique. I am really happy I am starting to teach some 5 day workshops this year as I feel my students will really benefit for the extended length of class as we will be able to study all my techniques in great length.
The second day each student chose one of my small pincushion or needle case kits to work on.
Bernice retired her old needle case for this new one which she made from my 'Sew Your Seeds' kit. Jennifer you have started something! I am guessing everyone who comes to my classes will now have to have a cool needle case.
Gerri took such good care of me while I was in Medford. She has worked on many of my patterns and I loved this version of my Greenbrier Quilt she shared with me. A couple of years ago a few of her friends got together to work on this piece. A few of them brought there pieces to share with me.
Gerri's Quilt Karen's Quilt Bernie's Quilt
I just love handwork classes. The sharing and friendship that develops throughout the day is so inspiring.
Keep Stitching and creating


  1. Your classes sound so fun and I agree, hand quilting together is nice, since you can sit and talk while you work.


  2. Beautiful stitching, Oregon is a beautiful state which always helps with the creativity!
    Next time you visit the NW, head to Portland, Oregon and visit my favorite shop, The Button Emporium, she has ribbons & buttons from all over the world, you can spend hours and hours in her store and the shop keepers are wonderfully knowledgeable and friendly!

  3. absolute beauty
    Very creative!
    Argentinian Greetings!
    Saludos argentinos!!!

  4. hello!

    They are fantastics!!! Really gorgeus!
    All of you are artitist!!
    My congratulations!


  5. so fun! and my hometown! i live in portland, now, but i wonder if gerri is the gerri who used to own 'fantasy fibers' in medford? my mother used to sew samples for her store. :) small world. xo

  6. sounds like sooooo much fun!! I am sure you al had a fabulous time.
