
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Student Work

I love to get pictures from my students of their finished quilts and projects. This Magnolia Quilt was done by Holly Regan from Cooma, Australia. Last year I taught this class while teaching at many different venues in Australia. She was in one of my classes, her quilt is wonderful and the quilting is fabulous.
Here is a block from Magnolia which Bobby Brady from Ohio made into this great purse.
She has done many stitch embellishments which we covered in the class which I taught at her guild. Susan Trent of Quiltworks Northwest in Seattle WA teaches a wool class and while I was teaching at the store many of her students brought their quilts to share. They worked on my Ginger Grove quilt. I love all the creative changes that each student made to the original design. Really creative!
Darlene Wegrynowski of Ohio sent me these great pictures of her pillow from my pattern in American Patchwork and Quilting. Fun colors!
Jennifer Keltner from Des Moines, Iowa finished her Folklore quilt. Fabulous!
Happy 4th of July
Take care


  1. I have finally bought the new book. Delighted that I can read it in both french and English. I am actually reading it, which I rarely do with quilt books. And I will learn, too. So I count as a student, I think? And again - thank you for sharing your living breathing richness of imagination with us.

  2. That princess bird is to much! I love it! Also, would love to have that black bag!

  3. Fabulous work by your students, everyone is so wonderful.

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  5. Wow! I love the Magnolia quilt done by your student. I have put my name down for one of your workshops in Australia in August but am on the waiting list. Did a workshop today with Judy Edenborough at Killara today and am totally inspired by your work. The Magolia quilt will be my next big project. Thanks for the fantastic inspiration.

  6. Oh, how I wish you would come to my part of the world. These are so wonderful.

  7. Buon Giorno , io non parlo inglese l' ho gia contattata Varie Volte ma non mi ha mai risposto.Volevo Sapere se lava Il panno lana o feltro prima di usarlo Nei Suoi lavori.Grazie per l' Informazione .

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  10. I love love love love your creations! Thank you for adding to the quilting fun world and your colors are fab!!! needed a new idea for a house and thank you, Happy MONDAY!!!
