
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Celebration of Life

Well it finally rolled around. The big '5o'. Not much seems to have changed other than a reminder every so often of a few more aches and pains. It was wonderful to have 3 of my children home and we all spent much of the long weekend in the yard catching up and planting a new flowerbed around our deck. With all the travelling and preparation for market this was the first time I could get my hands in the dirt and it was wonderful. I have not done much stitching but hope to pull out my 'Journey Cloth' soon and do a little hand quilting. It has been a bitter sweet week all in all. On Monday I received the sad news that a wonderful friend of mine Gretchen lost her battle with breast cancer. My prayers go out to her husband Harry and young boys. Even though my heart is so sad I keep having these wonderful flash backs to all the great qualities she had and the many experiences we shared over the years. We learnt to make baskets together. Were both members of our first Quilt Guild in Hendersonville, TN. She taught me much about gardening and we spent many hours together creating. I have many handmade gifts around my house that she lovingly made me but the most special gift is that each time I moved from state to state she would send me a care package of perennials and bulbs from her garden. The one plant which reminds me so much of her is her St Johns Wort which has done so well in my garden. It blooms into a wonderful spray of yellow flowers in the summer. What a fabulous gift!
Spring in Ohio is beautiful and my flower gardens are in full bloom. Many thanks to my dear friend for teaching me so much.
Aimee and I are leaving for Tennessee this afternoon for Gretchen's memorial service.
We will be home in a couple of days.
Cherish Life


  1. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! I hope your lovely flowers were in bloom for your day. And I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Gretchen.

  2. A very special belated Happy Birthday, Sue!
    It's good to remember the bitter sweet memories of your friend, my condolences.
    Nancy in MT

  3. Hi Sue,
    Happy birthday! I celebrated that "big one" last year. I just finished the Michelle pillowtop I started in your workshop in Atlanta last October. I posted a picture of it on my blog. See you in Missouri...

  4. Happy Birthday Sue.
    It is so hard when we lose someone who has been special in our lives for so long. Celebrate her life.

  5. Sue,
    Thank you again for the red snowflake design for my quilt block during our class at Material Girls. It meant so much to me. I grieve with you with the loss of your kindred spirit Gretchen. A part of her will always be with you. Blessings to you... Lisa in Utah

  6. Happy Birthday Sue! I have 3 more years to go. Sorry to hear about your friend, but you seemed to remember her well. Congrats to all the kids!

  7. I turned 50 my last birthday too. A dear bloggy friend and I decided this would be our Year of Jubilee! And we call ourselves the Jubisistas :-) So welcome to the party!

    I spent one year in Uganda...LOVED it! Africa captures a piece of your heart no matter where you go. We're in S. America now. And I'm looking for some quilt buddies. Apparently quilting hasn't made much of an inroad here. YET!

  8. Belated birthday wishes to you Sue. May the year ahead bring you joy & happiness mixed with a little adventure.
    May the lovely memories of your friend continue to bloom in your garden. From one of your Amitie students in Melbourne.
