Saturday, March 17, 2012

National Quilt Day

As a way of celebrating, The Quilt Show(, the web TV show hosted by Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims, will "open" all of its shows from the first nine series--that is, from Show 100 through Show 913--for the entire weekend of March 16 -18th.   This means that -for three special days- everyone will have the chance to view these 117 shows, featuring some of the quilting world's leading artists, for FREE.   

As you may already know, I appeared as the featured artist on TQS inShow 810.  If you didn't have the opportunity to see this show first time around, now you'll have the chance to see it --and so many other terrific shows-- at no cost in this unprecedented three-day offer.
 The Quilt Show pic

I hope that you'll share this information with all of your quilting friends. It's a fantastic opportunity to enjoy three days of learning and fun without leaving your home...all for free.
Enjoy the shows, and thanks for helping to spread the word!

 Creative Stitching,

Friday, March 16, 2012

Teaching - Tallahassee, Florida

I had a wonderful time in sunny Florida last week teaching a two day embellishment class. The students worked on either a block from my Magnolia book or the Altered Textured 'Flower Pot' block.

We layered and embellished each block adding fabric, hand dyed velvet and wool. Each started with the same background fabrics then added their own touch.

 I love the way our new 'Dazzle' thread was used in this block.

 Seagrass used to define the border around this appliqué piece.

 We played with many ribbons as stems attaching them with an assortment of stitches.

One of the students brought her scraps for the other students to work from so they had an abundance of colors to layer with.

As always I love to see my quilt patterns in cloth. Diane had done a couple of my earlier BOM's which she brought to share.

Many thanks to all the Guild members for making me feel very welcome. And a special thanks to Maureen for her great hospitality.
Keep Stitching

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The QuiltLife Magazine

Thanks Ricky and Alex for featuring my 'Flowerbed' and 'Crimson Tweed' Quilts on the cover of the new The QuiltLife magazine.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Palmer Divide Quilt Guild - Colorado Springs

What a treat! I have been longing to teach a more involved embellishment class and this weekend I taught a three day class on stitching to 21 enthusiastic like minded quilters here in Colorado Springs. This confirmed to me where I need to focus my time and energy.  No more one day workshops just multiday classes where each student can really learn my techniques for wool embellishment and layering.

 Each student started a piece at home then spent the days learning about all the different fibers and threads I like to use as well as needles and notions. We layered with many different fabrics using multiple stitches to enhance.

Many thanks to Lilo for such great attention to detail and Anne for her great hospitality, and to all guild members who made me feel so welcome. I am very excited to see all these pieces as they evolve.

 I always love to see student work. Pam who was in class brought her lovely wall hanging to show me. The picture above is my original pincushion which is in my '12 Pin Keeper' book and Pam enlarged the design using my CD 'Folk Art Dreams' by Electric Quilt Company. My first 5 books are on this CD which contains about 190 original blocks.

Creative Stitching