Early in November Cathy and I travelled to Grand Rapids, MI to Smith Owen Sewing Center. I teach here annually and this was our third trip. Many of my students stitch on my projects and it was wonderful to see the progress they had made.

Here are wonderful examples of my 'Flowerbed' quilt. I was amazed at the amount of embellishments on each piece.

Susan took my 'Altered Texture' Flower basket quilt class at NEORQC in Ohio and brought her piece to share with all.
Nancy is teaching a class on 'Magnolia' at Smith Owen and many shared their quilts. They are nearly finished and I believe they will be offering 'Mercer Lane' next year.
It is always amazing to see these little pieces come to life.
We had dinner before the meeting on the lake. This was the wonderful sunset from our table.

Many of the members work in wool and they had a table displayed with some of my patterns that they had made. We really enjoyed visiting with this enthusiastic guild.
The weather here in the Midwest has been very mild and I am hoping to finish putting my yard to rest for the winter this weekend. I then can plan the many quilting projects I have in my head for my new books for Spring Market.
Next week I am flying to Spokane for a few days to visit my family.
Take care