
Friday, August 20, 2010

Gold Coast, Australia

It has been a little time since I have had access to the internet. We are now in Bathurst but I need to catch up with our visits to the Gold Coast and Canberra. This was the view from our abode at the Gold Coast. It was an amazing view of the whole coast line.
I taught a two day class at the Guild of my leaves using an array of textural fabrics and stitches. It was a wonderful group who seemed to really enjoy the stitches and threads we explored.
I am loving the birds here in Australia. They are so large and colorful. How do you like this polka dot tail?
It is wonderful to have the opportunity to be able to teach and travel and experience cultures of all the corners of the world. I feel very blessed that this is what I do each day.
Keep creating


  1. have a wonderful time in Bathurst with Anni

  2. Bring a rainbow bird home with you!! :)

  3. OHHHH, look at those CHEERFUL leaf samplers! Fun, fun, and more fun!

  4. The leaves are absolutely beautiful.

  5. Yes! The birds are beautiful and what colors and inspiration for all of us! The pictures of the leaves are super. I am still perfecting my stitches so those are nice close up shots! What a beautiful place to be. Keep blogging and snapping photos! Thanks so much for the online creativity.

  6. What a nice bunch of students.. I am sure they leaned much and enjoyed their time.. Be safe and keep stitchin'
    You are deserving..

  7. I do love that tail. Our seagulls are dull and dirty, lol.
    Lots of inspiration for future projects and love all the different styles of leaves and embellishments.


  8. Sue, I have to look at each picture over and over to see the intricate stitching and embellishment. I am always so impressed with the different beads and such. And of course the birds couldn't be more beautiful.
    Nancy in MT

  9. WOW, I live the photo of your view of the Gold Coast. I was trying to work out where you must have been staying! Was it somewhere around Tallai?

    Thank you for sharing the photos of your work and the beautiful birds. Enjoy the rest of your time in Australia and hope you come back again soon.

  10. I'm with Aimee - bring one home, please? But then, I mean to MY home, actually. I loved the polka dot tail. Really - don't you think God had the best time in the world designing all us creatures in our endless variety and amazingness? Probably used a process something like yours -
