
Friday, March 26, 2010

More Student Work

I love it when my students send me pictures of finished work from classes I have taught as I don't often get to see the finished product. The above 'Michelle' pillow is Karmen Sunshine's from a class I taught in Atlanta. It is made from hand dyed wool and accented with a great polka dot fabric.
The Wild Tulip Bag was a kit from my CD series which Teresa Fritzley embellished wonderfully with her own fibers, roving balls and beads.
I love teaching at 'Out of Hand' in Calgary Canada. Last year we worked on 'Greenbrier' in a two day class and Wendy Sells just sent me pictures of her great piece made from silk and cottons all done on the sewing machine.
I am sure you will admit this piece is wonderful! I love to see pieces made in other fabrics beside wool and also machine done instead of handwork. It just shows with a little bit of imagination my patterns can be done in any medium.
Please keep sending me photos I love to share what each one of you have been creating.
I am in Spokane spending time with Jason and my family as he is on spring break. I have also been working on my 'Workt by Hand' project which I am so happy to say is nearly complete.
My goal was to have the new book 'Robin Run the Hedge' to the printer and by WBH project complete before I leave for Barcelona and Nantes on April 11. The book went to the printer yesterday and my project is nearing the end. It does feel so good to be on target!
Creative stitching
Take care


  1. Such wonderful projects! Wendy's Greenbrier is STUNNING! Beautiful work!

  2. I LOVE the wild tulip bag! Teresa used some great combinations!!!

  3. Well, I need to get working on more! Karmen

  4. Wonderful pieces! I really need to sit down and try some bags, and see if I can do a zipper. Would be fun to make bags like that for my daughter and DIL for presents.


  5. The quilt is so pretty it glows! Lovely inspirational work.

  6. The work is so inspiring and beautiful!

  7. wow that quilt is a stunner.

  8. All the works in your blog are so beautiful and creative!!!
