Earlier this month Sue paid a surprise visit to Spokane to celebrate both our moms and Jason's birthdays. When she arrived the view out our kitchen window looked like this but luckily for us she brought some warmer weather and it has melted substantially. We did get to see our wonderful view of the mountain while she was here.

Sues visit was perfect timing for taking some updated photographs for an upcoming article about her, we will keep you posted when the magazine hits the newsstands. We also managed to play a little and Pete and Jason were very accommodating about displaying our knitted and felted accessory bags. They even match their clothes.

Sue, mom and I enjoyed an evening dyeing skeins of yarn to make hats with and I will share those soon. Its a great way to play around with color and the possibilities are endless.
This month has been exceptionally busy with the new block of the month and the new bracelet project underway. It is hard to believe we are still only in January, this winter seems to have lasted forever. It is a good time to get lots of work done because I know the first sign of spring I will want to be digging in the garden. I know it is out there somewhere!